Principal Sponsors

Makes grants to address the most serious social and environmental problems facing society, where risk capital, responsibly invested, may make a difference over time.
An independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 to promote the progress of science.

King Saud University seeks to become a leader in educational and technological innovation, scientific discovery and creativity through fostering an atmosphere of intellectual inspiration and partnership for the prosperity of society.
The O'Donnell Foundation is devoted to building model programs to enhance the quality of education.
български Bulgarian
Алфа-разпад | Alpha Decay | Run Now |
Балони и статично електричество | Balloons and Static Electricity | Run Now |
Battery-Resistor Circuit_bg | Battery-Resistor Circuit | Run Now |
Напреежение на батерията | Battery Voltage | Run Now |
Бета-разпад | Beta Decay | Run Now |
Построяване на атом | Build an Atom | Run Now |
Лаборатория за кондензатори | Capacitor Lab | Run Now |
Заряди и полета | Charges and Fields | Run Now |
Инструментариум за конструиране на ел. вериги (AC+DC) | Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC) | Run Now |
Виртуална лаборатория за конструиране на ел. вериги (AC+DC) | Circuit Construction Kit (AC+DC), Virtual Lab | Run Now |
Инструментариум за конструиране на ел. вериги (само DC) | Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only) | Run Now |
Виртуална лаборатория за конструиране на ел. вериги (само DC) | Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only), Virtual Lab | Run Now |
Проводимост | Conductivity | Run Now |
Ел. поле на мечтите | Electric Field of Dreams | Run Now |
Електромагнитна лаборатория на Майкъл Фарадей | Faraday's Electromagnetic Lab | Run Now |
Закон на Фарадей | Faraday's Law | Run Now |
Фурие: Получаване на вълни | Fourier: Making Waves | Run Now |
Генератор | Generator | Run Now |
Геометрична оптика | Geometric Optics | Run Now |
Изотопи и атомна маса | Isotopes and Atomic Mass | Run Now |
Магнит и компас | Magnet and Compass | Run Now |
Магнити и електромагнити | Magnets and Electromagnets | Run Now |
Движение в 2D | Motion in 2D | Run Now |
Разцепване на ядро | Nuclear Fission | Run Now |
Закон на ОМ | Ohm's Law | Run Now |
Игра за определяне на възрастта по радиоактивен метод | Radioactive Dating Game | Run Now |
Съпротивление на проводник | Resistance in a Wire | Run Now |
Електрическа верига | Signal Circuit | Run Now |
Simulations not yet translated into Bulgarian
- Acid-Base Solutions
- Arithmetic
- Atomic Interactions
- Balancing Act
- Balancing Chemical Equations
- Balloons & Buoyancy
- Band Structure
- Beer's Law Lab
- Bending Light
- Blackbody Spectrum
- Build a Fraction
- Build a Molecule
- Buoyancy
- Calculus Grapher
- Collision Lab
- Color Vision
- Concentration
- Curve Fitting
- Davisson-Germer: Electron Diffraction
- Density
- Double Wells and Covalent Bonds
- Eating & Exercise
- Electric Field Hockey
- Energy Forms and Changes
- Energy Skate Park
- Energy Skate Park: Basics
- Equation Grapher
- Estimation
- Fluid Pressure and Flow
- Forces and Motion
- Forces and Motion: Basics
- Forces in 1 Dimension
- Fraction Matcher
- Fractions Intro
- Friction
- Gas Properties
- Gene Expression - The Basics
- Gene Machine: The Lac Operon
- Glaciers
- Graphing Lines
- Gravity and Orbits
- Gravity Force Lab
- The Greenhouse Effect
- John Travoltage
- Ladybug Motion 2D
- Ladybug Revolution
- Lasers
- Lunar Lander
- Masses & Springs
- Maze Game
- Membrane Channels
- Microwaves
- Models of the Hydrogen Atom
- Molarity
- Molecular Motors
- Molecule Polarity
- Molecules and Light
- Molecule Shapes
- Molecule Shapes: Basics
- The Moving Man
- My Solar System
- Natural Selection
- Neon Lights & Other Discharge Lamps
- Neuron
- Normal Modes
- Optical Quantum Control
- Optical Tweezers and Applications
- Pendulum Lab
- Photoelectric Effect
- pH Scale
- Plate Tectonics
- Plinko Probability
- Projectile Motion
- Quantum Bound States
- Quantum Tunneling and Wave Packets
- Quantum Wave Interference
- Radiating Charge
- Radio Waves & Electromagnetic Fields
- The Ramp
- Ramp: Forces and Motion
- Reactants, Products and Leftovers
- Reactions & Rates
- Resonance
- Reversible Reactions
- Rutherford Scattering
- Salts & Solubility
- Self-Driven Particle Model
- Semiconductors
- Simplified MRI
- Sound
- States of Matter
- States of Matter: Basics
- Stern-Gerlach Experiment
- Stretching DNA
- Sugar and Salt Solutions
- Torque
- Under Pressure
- Vector Addition
- Wave Interference
- Wave on a String
The remaining simulations can be translated using the PhET Translation Utility.
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