Medical Physicist

What is this job like?

Medical physicists, specifically, specialize in the field of medical physics, which is an applied branch of physics concerned with the application of the concepts and methods of physics to the diagnosis and treatment of human disease.

Medical physicists are concerned with three areas of activity: clinical service and consultation, research and development, and teaching. On the average their time is distributed equally among these three areas.

An essential responsibility of a licensed medical physicist’s clinical practice is to assure the safe and effective delivery of radiation to achieve a diagnostic or therapeutic result as prescribed in patient care. The medical physicist performs or supervises the pertinent procedures necessary to achieve this objective.

Physicists, in general, study the natural world, from the tiniest subatomic particles to the largest galaxies. They do experiments to discover the laws of nature. They study what things are made of (matter) and how things behave. They also learn about energy, studying how it changes from one form to another.

Some physicists focus on theories. They ask bigger questions about the world around them. They might ask what causes gravity, for example, or what the shape and size of the universe is. Then, they use observation and mathematics to find the answers.

Many physicists do experiments. Some, for example, cause collisions between atoms in an accelerator to break them apart or fuse them together. They may also look for clues about what particles come out of atoms when they split.

Other physicists apply theories to practical problems. They might create advanced materials, new electronic and optical devices, or medical equipment.

Physicists also design research equipment. Some of this equipment is used in surprising ways. For example, the first laser was created for research, but people later discovered that lasers could be used in surgery as well.

Most physicists work in research and development. Some do basic research to increase knowledge. Others do applied research. They take what is learned in basic research and use it to create new devices, products, and processes.

Physicists often work regular hours in labs and offices. At times, they may work long or irregular hours doing research. They may travel to use special equipment in other places.

How do you get ready?

To become a medical physicist specifically, a student can enter an academic program in medical physics leading to a master's or doctor's degree. A thorough preparation in general physics is highly desirable before entry into these programs. The most common programs emphasize the physical properties and medical applications of radiation of all types. Important skills that should be acquired during academic training include knowledge of electronics and computer techniques.

Physicists in general, usually need a doctoral degree (Ph.D.). A doctoral degree takes several years of graduate school to complete. People who want permanent jobs as researchers at universities and government labs need even more training. Many Ph.D. holders will teach at colleges or universities in addition to performing research.

People with only a master's degree in physics often get jobs in manufacturing or in research and development. Some teach in high schools or at 2-year colleges.

Those with only a bachelor's degree often work as technicians or research assistants. Some may be able to work in applied research jobs in private industry or in non-research positions in the government. Some become science teachers in middle schools or high schools.

If you want to be a physicist, you should study math and science. You must be good at solving problems. And you should be curious about the world around you.

Physicists must be very motivated. Speaking and writing abilities are also important. Sometimes, physicists have to write research papers or proposals. And some physicists share ideas while working on a team.

How much does this job pay?

The median annual wage for physicists was $115,870 in May 2016.

How many jobs are there?

Physicists in general held about 18,100 job in 2014.

Physicists worked in all parts of the country. Most worked in areas that had universities or large research and development laboratories.

What about the future?

Employment of physicists in general is expected to increase by 8 percent from 2014 to 2024, as fast as the average for all occupations.

The limited amount of money to do research means that physicists will have to compete for research jobs. But there will continue to be a need for people with physics knowledge to work with computers and in other sciences.

Some information on this page has been provided by the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics and the American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

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Medical physicists specifically, are often heavily involved with responsibilities in areas of diagnosis and treatment, often with specific patients. These activities take the form of consultations with physician colleagues. In radiation oncology departments, one important example is the planning of radiation treatments for cancer patients, using either external radiation beams or internal radioactive sources. An indispensable service is the accurate measurement of the radiation output from radiation sources employed in cancer therapy.

In the specialty of nuclear medicine, physicists collaborate with physicians in procedures utilizing radionuclides for delineating internal organs and determining important physiological variables, such as metabolic rates and blood flow. Other important services are rendered through investigation of equipment performance, organization of quality control in imaging systems, design of radiation installations, and control of radiation hazards. The medical physicist is called upon to contribute clinical and scientific advice and resources to solve the numerous and diverse physical problems that arise continually in many specialized medical areas.

Medical physicists play a vital and often leading role on the medical research team. Their activities cover wide frontiers, including such key areas as cancer, heart disease, and mental illness. In cancer, they work primarily on issues involving radiation, such as the basic mechanisms of biological change after irradiation, the application of new high-energy machines to patient treatment, and the development of new techniques for precise measurement of radiation. Significant computer developments continue in the area of dose calculation for patient treatment and video display of this treatment information. Particle irradiation is an area of active research with promising biological advantages over traditional photon treatment. In heart disease, physicists work on the measurement of blood flow and oxygenation. In mental illness, they work on the recording, correlation, and interpretation of bioelectric potentials.

Medical physicists are also concerned with research of general medical significance, including the applications of digital computers in medicine and applications of information theory to diagnostic problems; processing, storing, and retrieving medical images; measuring the amount of radioactivity in the human body and foodstuffs; and studying the anatomical and temporal distribution of radioactive substances in the body.

Medical physicists are also involved in the development of new instrumentation and technology for use in diagnostic radiology. These include the use of magnetic and electro-optical storage devices for the manipulation of x-ray images, quantitative analysis of both static and dynamic images using digital computer techniques, radiation methods for the analysis of tissue characteristics and composition, and the exciting new areas of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging for displaying detailed cross-sectional images of the anatomy. Medical physicists are also engaged in research and development on imaging procedures utilizing infrared and ultrasound sources.

Often medical physicists have faculty appointments at universities and colleges, where they help train future medical physicists, resident physicians, medical students, and technologists who operate the various types of equipment used to perform diagnosis and treatment. They also conduct courses in medical physics and aspects of biophysics and radiobiology for a variety of graduate and undergraduate students.

Physicists in general, study the fundamental nature of the universe, ranging from the vastness of space to the smallest of subatomic particles. They develop new technologies, methods, and theories based on the results of their research to deepen our understanding of how things work and contribute to innovative, real-world applications.

Physicists typically do the following:

  • Develop scientific theories and models to explain the properties of the natural world, such as atom formation
  • Plan and conduct scientific experiments and studies to test theories and discover  properties of matter and energy
  • Write proposals and apply for research grants
  • Do complex mathematical calculations to analyze physical and astronomical data, such as finding new planets in distant solar systems
  • Design scientific equipment, such as telescopes and lasers
  • Develop computer software to analyze and model data
  • Write scientific papers that may be published in scholarly journals
  • Present research findings at scientific conferences and lectures

Physicists explore the fundamental properties and laws that govern space, time, energy, and matter. Some physicists study theoretical areas, such as the fundamental nature of atoms and molecules and the evolution of the universe. Others design and perform experiments with sophisticated equipment such as particle accelerators, electron microscopes, and lasers. On the basis of their observations and analysis, they try to discover and formulate laws that explain the forces of nature, such as gravity, electromagnetism, and nuclear interactions. Others apply their knowledge of physics to practical areas, such as the development of advanced materials and medical equipment.

Many physicists do basic research with the aim of increasing scientific knowledge. For example, they may develop theories to better explain what gravity is or how the universe was formed.

Others do applied research, using knowledge gained from basic research to develop new devices, processes, and other practical applications. Their work may lead to advances in areas such as energy, electronics, communications, navigation, and medical technology. For example, lasers are now used in surgery and microwave technology is now in most kitchens.

Physicists typically work on research teams with engineers, technicians, and other scientists. Some senior astronomers and physicists may be responsible for assigning tasks to other team members and monitoring their progress.

Growing numbers of physicists work in interdisciplinary fields, such as biophysics, chemical physics, and geophysics. 

Many people with a physics background become professors or teachers.

Work Environment:

Physicists in general held about 18,100 job in 2014.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the U.S. Department of Defense are two of the largest employers of physicists in the federal government. The scientific research-and-development industry includes both private and federally funded national laboratories, such as the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Illinois.

Physics research is usually done in small- or medium-sized laboratories. However, experiments in some areas of physics, such as nuclear and high-energy physics, require extremely large and expensive equipment, such as particle accelerators and nuclear reactors. Although physics research may require extensive experimentation in laboratories, physicists still spend much of their time in offices, planning, analyzing, and reporting on research.

Some physicists temporarily work away from home at national or international facilities that have unique equipment, such as particle accelerators and gamma ray telescopes. They also frequently travel to meetings to present research results, discuss ideas with colleagues, and learn more about new developments in their field.

Most physicists work full-time.

Education and Training:

For medical physicists specifically, several U.S. universities offer academic programs in medical physics leading to a master's or doctor's degree. A thorough preparation in general physics is highly desirable before entry into these programs. The most common programs emphasize the physical properties and medical applications of radiation of all types. Important skills that should be acquired during academic training include knowledge of electronics and computer techniques.

For physicists in general, A Ph.D. in physics, astronomy, or a related field is needed for most jobs, especially those in basic research or in independent research in industry.

A typical Ph.D. program takes about 5 to 7 years to complete.  

Approximately 190 universities have doctoral programs in physics; about 40 schools have doctoral programs in astronomy. Graduate students usually concentrate in a subfield of physics or astronomy, such as condensed matter physics or optics. In addition to taking courses in physics or astronomy, Ph.D. students need to take courses in mathematics, such as calculus, linear algebra, and statistics. Computer science classes are also essential, because physicists and astronomers often develop specialized computer programs that are used to gather, analyze, and model data.  

Those with a master’s degree in physics may qualify for jobs in applied research and development for manufacturing and healthcare companies. Many master’s degree programs specialize in preparing students for physics-related research-and-development positions that do not require a Ph.D.

Most physics graduate students have bachelor’s degrees in physics or a related field. Undergraduate physics programs provide a broad background in the natural sciences and mathematics. Typical courses are classical and quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, and electromagnetism.

Those with only a bachelor’s degree in physics or astronomy typically are not qualified to fill research positions. However, they may be qualified to work as technicians and research assistants in related fields, such as engineering and computer science.  

Some master’s degree and bachelor’s degree holders may become science teachers in middle schools and high schools.

Many physics Ph.D. holders begin their careers in a temporary postdoctoral research position, which typically lasts 2 to 3 years. During their postdoctoral appointment, they work with experienced scientists as they continue to learn about their specialties or develop a broader understanding of related areas of research. Their initial work may be carefully supervised by senior scientists, but as they gain experience, they do more complex tasks and have greater independence in their work.

Skills to Develop:

Skills for physicists in general:

Advanced mathematical skills: Physicists perform complex calculations involving calculus, geometry, algebra, and other areas of mathematics. They must be able to express their research in mathematical terms. 

Analytical skills: Physicists need to be able to carry out scientific experiments and studies. They must be precise and accurate in their analysis because errors could invalidate their research.

Critical-thinking skills: Physicists must carefully evaluate their own work and the work of others. They must determine whether results and conclusions are based on sound science.

Interpersonal skills: Physicists must collaborate extensively with others—in both academic and industrial research contexts. They need to be able to work well with others towards a common goal.

Problem-solving skills: Physicists use scientific observation and analysis to solve complex scientific questions.

Speaking skills: Physicists present their research at scientific conferences, to the public, or to company management and other employees.

Writing skills: Physicists write reports that may be published in scientific journals. They also write proposals for research funding.

Job Outlook:

Employment of physicists in general is expected to increase by 8 percent from 2014 to 2024, as fast as the average for all occupations.

Expected growth in federal government spending for physics research should increase the need for physicists, especially at colleges and universities and national laboratories.

Federal spending is the primary source of physics-related research funds, especially for basic research. Additional federal funding for energy and for advanced manufacturing research is expected to increase the need for physicists.

Declines in basic research are expected to be offset by growth in applied research in private industry. People with a physics background will continue to be in demand in medicine, information technology, communications technology, semiconductor technology, and other applied research-and-development fields.

Competition for permanent research appointments, such as those at colleges and universities, is expected to be strong. Increasingly, those with a Ph.D. need to work through multiple postdoctoral appointments before finding a permanent position. In addition, the number of research proposals submitted for funding has been growing faster than the amount of funds available, causing more competition for research grants.

Despite competition for traditional research jobs, prospects should be good for physicists in applied research, development, and related technical fields. Graduates with any academic degree in physics or astronomy, from bachelor’s degree to doctorate, will find their knowledge of science and mathematics useful for entry into many other occupations.

A large part of physics research depends on federal funds, so federal budgets have a large impact on job prospects from year to year.


The median annual wage for physicists was $115,870 in May 2016. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $57,640, and the highest 10 percent earned more than $189,560.

College Courses: 

Sample courses that might be required for a degree in Physics:

Science Courses

  • Physics 1, 2, 3
  • Intermediate Physics Lab
  • Intro to Quantum Mechanics
  • Mechanics 1
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Electronic Circuit Measurement and Design
  • Physics Elective

Colleges will also require you to take some core undergraduate courses in addition to some electives. Required core courses and electives will vary from college to college. Here are a number of examples:

Arts and Humanities

  • Arts
  • History
  • Languages
  • Literature
  • Music


  • Algebra
  • Calculus
  • Computer Science
  • Logic
  • Statistics

Natural Sciences

  • Astronomy
  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Environmental Science
  • Physics

Social Sciences

  • Anthropology
  • Economics
  • Government
  • Psychology
  • Sociology