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Software to Edit Your Newsletters, Press Releases and News Articles

StyleWriter is like having a personal sub-editor ready to help you pick up the faults you would otherwise miss. Not only will the program check for thousands of style and usage issues, you can add your own rules so it picks up anything you want to check in every document you write.

Original News Article - before editing with StyleWriter

Professional writers often find StyleWriter useful in editing their work. Journalists, copywriters and novelists all use StyleWriter to improve the clarity and readability of their work.

StyleWriter News Article - Press Release - Example - Before

Redrafted News Article - after editing with StyleWriter

Journalists like StyleWriter's quick review and analysis of the writing. But the feature they usually like most is adding to StyleWriter's advice. In this way, they can check for their publication's house style and writing conventions.

StyleWriter News Article - Press Release - Example - Before

StyleWriter is a great tool for professional news and press release editors

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Find out how StyleWriter can help you with: Technical Reports, Journalist Writing, Advertising Copy, Minutes of Meetings, Writing Memos, Writing Policies and Procedures, Legal Documents, Essays and Research Papers, Business Letters
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