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Software to Edit Your Minutes of Meetings

Minutes of Meetings will be shorter and clearer if you use StyleWriter. Break the poor writing habits so often associated with minutes. You'll find the plain English style helps your organization run more efficiently.

Original Minutes of a Meeting - before editing with StyleWriter

Minutes of meetings are usually too passive making them dull and ambiguous. These minutes from a local government body are a typical example. Six passive verbs in four sentences are far too many.

StyleWriter Writing Minutes of Meetings Example - Before

Redrafted Minutes of a Meeting - after editing with StyleWriter

The redrafted minutes have no passive verbs or other style faults. Learning to edit passive verbs is just one of the writing skill you will learn when you use StyleWriter on your documents.

StyleWriter Writing Minutes of Meeting Example - After

StyleWriter will teach you the skill of writing clearly

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Find out how StyleWriter can help you with: Technical Reports, Journalist Writing, Advertising Copy, Minutes of Meetings, Writing Memos, Writing Policies and Procedures, Legal Documents, Essays and Research Papers, Business Letters
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