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Software to Edit Your Essays and Research Papers

All academic writing - essays, research papers and dissertations - will benefit from StyleWriter's advice. Students report improved grades after running StyleWriter through their essays.

Original Essay - before editing with StyleWriter

StyleWriter can transform student essays and academic papers. The program highlights words, phrases and sentences to help you gain the best grades for your work. Use StyleWriter on all your writing and you'll soon write clearly and concisely - a rare gift in the academic world.

StyleWriter Essay Writing Example - Before

Redrafted Essay - after editing with StyleWriter

You can see the difference StyleWriter makes. The redrafted essay is shorter, more direct and authoritative. Many colleges and universities now recommend StyleWriter because it teaches you the writing skills you need.

StyleWriter Essay Writing Example - After

StyleWriter is perfect for essays, dissertations and academic papers

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Find out how StyleWriter can help you with: Technical Reports, Journalist Writing, Advertising Copy, Minutes of Meetings, Writing Memos, Writing Policies and Procedures, Legal Documents, Essays and Research Papers, Business Letters
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