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Turn your word processor into the world's most powerful computerized editor and learn to write and edit like a pro.

StyleWriter is the best word processing add-on on the market. It teaches you to write in the style of top authors and journalists by checking every document for thousands of style and English usage faults. Ten times more powerful than any other writing aid, StyleWriter improves your writing style instantly.

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Designed by experts to pass on their expertise

Designed by journalists, editors and business writing tutors, StyleWriter gives you the skills of a good newspaper subeditor. Simply click the StyleWriter button in Microsoft Word's or WordPerfect's toolbar to launch a check for the common faults and bad habits found in writing. Trimming the excess words, simplifying and clarifying your style, checking for good English usage is easy with StyleWriter.


Encourages the clearest writing style

StyleWriter works by teaching you to write in plain English - the style underlying all great writing. Don't think plain English is simplistic or patronising. Plain English is clear English. It's the style of all great writers. Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck are writers with a simple, clear and direct style. Time, Newsweek, Scientific America and the Washington Post - just about every successful publication - owe their popularity and readership to adopting a clear, readable style.

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Look at your writing through the editor's eyes

Imagine you could afford to pay an editor to improve every document you write. Send off your business plan, technical report or sales letter and you'd get a shorter, clearer and more effective document back. But the cost would be hundreds of dollars a week.

With StyleWriter you can edit your own documents and save money.
Sure, a professional editor would show you other ways to improve your document, but you could get most of the advice offered by running StyleWriter through your text.


Break your writing habits

Good writing transfers ideas and information from the writer to the reader clearly and concisely. StyleWriter encourages the clearest style so your reader concentrates and acts on your message rather than struggles to understand what you want to say.

StyleWriter helps you write in the clear English style by identifying words and phrases in your writing that get in the way of clarity and poor style.
It doesn't encourage a standard style. There's plenty of room for individual style, rhetoric and imaginative writing. So let StyleWriter help you get rid of your poor writing habits, present in most writing, and let you express yourself in your own words.

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Gain new writing skills

StyleWriter's shows you how to run the editorial pen through everything you write to make it clear, concise and readable. Why waste time drafting average documents when you can use StyleWriter to write documents that get the results that you want?

  • Sales letters bring in more business.
  • Press releases get more media coverage.
  • Readers act on your suggestions.
  • People compliment you on your style and clarity.
  • Contracts don't cause disputes because they are clear.
  • Web pages get more visitors.

Good writing is easy reading that guarantees you keep your readers' attention. Writing well helps you write successfully. StyleWriter users claim the program has led to better results when they write. Use it on any document.


More powerful than your grammar checker

Ten times as powerful and a hundred times more useful than the standard grammar checker in your word processor. Let's face it, we all know how poor grammar checkers are at improving writing. They assume you cannot write a sentence and constantly flag correct English as bad grammar. In a test of sentences with 25 grammatical errors, respondents spotted between 20 and 25 of the errors when they read the sentences. When Microsoft Word's grammar checker went through the same examples, it only spotted 6 out of the 25 errors.

Do grammar checkers really work?

More accurate than your grammar checker

StyleWriter is not a grammar checker. Grammar checkers try to show you how to write a correct sentence by analyzing each word for its part of speech and then only accepting sentences if the parts of speech are in the right order. StyleWriter does not parse the sentence but looks for the poor style habits that you can change to improve the quality of writing.

You will improve your grammar if you write clearly and concisely, using shorter sentences and active verbs. StyleWriter constantly encourages you to adopt this clear style and forces you to read your work. Thus, many grammar mistakes in your writing will disappear as you rework your original text.


So good even professionals use StyleWriter

Designed by journalists, editors and business writing tutors, StyleWriter gives you the skills of a good newspaper subeditor. Simply click the StyleWriter button in Microsoft Word's or WordPerfect's toolbar to launch a check for the common faults and bad habits found in writing. Trimming the excess words, simplifying and clarifying your style, checking for good English usage is easy with StyleWriter.


"StyleWriter acts as a professional editor for anyone who needs to write reports, proposals or press releases. For writing punchy, effective, communicative text, even with your own whimsical style, look no further."
Good Software Guide



"I sent my first book to Random House. They told me it was the first draft they had ever received that didn't need editing. I'm afraid I didn't tell them I'd used StyleWriter."
- Author of text books

"Like having the Chicago Manual of Style at your fingertips... StyleWriter is undoubtedly useful for anyone who writes. It takes the hard slog out of editing, and draws your attention to stylistic faults you probably didn't know you had."
- The Manual

"Editors charge about $50 to polish writing. Yet StyleWriter does 80 per cent of the editor's work. I reckon I've saved the cost of the program by running it through just a few articles."
- Freelance Journalist

"Who can tell if my business plan would have succeeded without editing with StyleWriter. All I know is everyone who read it said it made a refreshing change to read such a clear and
well-presented document."
- Small Business Owner

"No sales literature goes out of the Marketing department without passing the StyleWriter test. It must get excellent ratings from StyleWriter or it's not good enough."
- Marketing Director

"StyleWriter especially impressed me in flagging only a handful of false errors that are common with grammar checkers. Its advice was intelligent, and it came across as a practical and effective aid to good clear writing."
- PC Plus

"The most useful program of the year."
- Times Educational



Find out how StyleWriter can help you with: Technical Reports, Journalist Writing, Advertising Copy, Minutes of Meetings, Writing Memos, Writing Policies and Procedures, Legal Documents, Essays and Research Papers, Business Letters
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