What are the outcomes or results of these problems?
Overall these problems are having a major impact on peoples‟ livelihoods.
What do you understand by the term “livelihood”? Discuss.
A “livelihood” is not just earning an income, but includes health, well-being,
happiness, access to information, knowledge and skills and the existence of
societal structures and support.
People‟s livelihood choices and strategies are often complex, sometimes
opportunistic, and generally governed by a number of factors. Some of these
factors are beyond the control of the affected individual.
SLIDE - Livelihoods
• A livelihood comprises the assets, skills, technologies and
activities required to make a living and have a good quality
of life.
• The strategies employed to make a living are complex,
location specific and have often evolved over generations.
• People‟s livelihoods strongly determine their level of
vulnerability. People with secure and diversified livelihoods
will be better equipped to cope and recover than people with
a single productive activity and poor access to resources
and knowledge.
• It is important to understand how people make a living, why
they chose the strategies they do and what makes them
vulnerable to the hazards that affect them.
A Training Manual on Use of Climate Information and Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for
Agricultural Extension Staff in Zimbabwe
Page 19