The following definition for the “start of the season” was developed taking into
account the above 3 factors.
“Any day after the 10th of November when an area receives 20mm or more
of rains in 3 days or less provided there is no dry spell of 10 days on more
in the next 20 days”
This is the definition we will use in this manual. It is important to note that the
start of the season is soil type dependent because different soils require different
amounts of rain to wet to field capacity. For example sandy soils require less
water to wet to field capacity than clay soils. However for the purpose of this
manual we will use the average amount.
We may discuss with farmers the definition they would think is suitable for their
Share with them the graphs given for selected sites
Slide 5
Risk of replanting
• This shows the risk of replanting if farmers plant with the first rains
without considering whether there was a dry spell afterwards. The
graphs show how many years the farmers had to replant. We can
further analyse the chances of having a 10, 14 and 18 day dry spell
within 30 days after planting
• Has an effect on germination and establishment hence replanting
Share with them the graphs given for selected sites
A Training Manual on Use of Climate Information and Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for
Agricultural Extension Staff in Zimbabwe
Page 47