The link between adaptation to climate change and poverty reduction points to
the need to focus on reducing vulnerability. The extent to which people are
exposed to climate change depends on the magnitude and rate of change and
its resultant impacts. These will be determined not only by the vulnerability of
those affected, but also by their capacity to adapt. In order to identify potential
risks and adaptive strategies, we need context specific analysis that identifies
the causes of their vulnerability.
Remember R=H*V/C
As we cannot reduce the hazard, we need to reduce vulnerability or increase
capacity – preferably both!
The following methodology provides a framework for analysing vulnerability and
capacity to adapt to climate variability and change at the community level, while
combining scientific data in order to ensure greater understanding of possible
local impacts of climate change. The focus is on understanding how climate
change will affect the lives and livelihoods of small-holder farmers. Using
participatory tools it examines hazards, livelihoods, vulnerability and capacities
with a view to building adaptive capacity and future resilience.
A Training Manual on Use of Climate Information and Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment for
Agricultural Extension Staff in Zimbabwe
Page 62