
By Ana von Turkovich We all make decisions every day: What do I want for breakfast? What time do I need to leave to get to school (or work) on time? Do I want to stay up late watching a movie or get some sleep so I can make it to that 6:00AM yoga class? Many decisions are fairly simple and can be...
By Linda Calhoun We are so proud of our youngest role model! This fall, Sasha Williams (Class of 2019) was selected for the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) Leaders of the Fast Track (LOFT) 2016 Video Game Innovation Fellowship sponsored by the Hispanic Heritage Foundation, in Washington D...
By Katie Del Vecchio The holiday season is here again! We need Thanksgiving now, more than ever. It is a time to tune out the negativity that may be around us and celebrate the positive. The upcoming year will bring new perspectives to everyone, let’s start now by seeing the good in...
Being a teen can be hard. We have to balance our social lives, sports, and extracurricular activities along with the stress of school and homework. On top of all of this, there’s college and career planning: We have to think about our future—what we might want to do as an adult and how...
You may have heard the time old saying “It’s all about who you know.” This seems pretty self-explanatory, but how do you start “knowing” people? There are several things you could do while still in high school. The simplest is to get to know your teachers; becoming...
Summer is almost over and what better way to bring in the fall season then to catch a glimpse of this year’s Super Harvest Moon! Tonight, Sept. 16th 2016, there will be a full penumbral lunar eclipse, giving the moon a nice orange glow, also resembling a giant pumpkin. A penumbral eclipse is...
The first day of school is right around the corner! College is a time for you to explore new opportunities and try as many things as possible. The experience you have as a freshman will be unlike any other. Everything is new and you will want to really dive into all of the clubs and programs your...
There is no better day than today to celebrate America’s diversity. At Career Girls, we have honor of celebrating the achievement and accomplishments of women from every ethnic and racial group and from every region of our country. We know from our work that no group of humans has a “...
Tuesday, June 12, 2016 marked a momentous occasion. The White House hosted an all-day summit for, by and about women and girls. 5,000 leaders in the field gathered in Washington, DC to hear the President, the First Lady, the Vice President, Oprah Winfrey, Kerry Washington, Shonda Rhimes and more...
June represents the start of summer and is also National Safety Month, a time to prepare and learn how to stay safe. This year’s theme is Safe for Life, and each week focuses on a different topic that will help keep you safe in a time of need. Week 1 (June 1-12) Stand Ready to Respond: Being...
When was the last time you went out with a group of friends and did something that you were all able to enjoy together? Now that school is coming to an end you will have plenty of free time. Most teens will want to sit around the house using their phones and surfing the Internet. I recommend...
For students, summer usually means almost three months of fun, relaxing and not worrying about grades. While kids are off at camps and going on family vacations, they are unknowingly losing the knowledge they learned during the school year. According to Oxford Learning, an equivalent of one month...
It’s National Women’s Health Week, and a perfect opportunity to remind ourselves that our physical and mental health should be a priority, despite all our other responsibilities. It’s pretty straightforward to remember to schedule a checkup with your gynecologist, but navigating...
As we come to the end of Teacher Appreciation Week, it’s a good time to reflect on what teachers do every day. With today’s new standardized testing, teachers are feeling just as much pressure as students. They not only have to make sure children do well academically, but they also...
Get Involved! About 24% of Americans are under 18, so it’s important that teens become active members of their communities and show other young people that they can make a difference, if they try. As teens, some might feel their voices are not being heard or lack the self-confidence to start...
Have you ever jumped out of a plane? Gone bungee jumping? Jumped off a cliff? I have. Well, not bungee jumping, but that’s not important. What is important is the word jump; going all in, to the point where you can’t turn back. It sounds scary, and it is. But, taking a risk in life on...
As high school students, we are always asked what direction we want to take in our lives for the future. The more we hear this question, the more we wonder: What are we going to do? We sit through lectures asking ourselves if what we are learning will ever help us. Teachers always say that what we...
What a week! Last week, California celebrated Women and Girls in STEM. We were honored to participate in the California Assembly’s Select Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) hearing on Increasing the Participation of Women and Girls in STEM. State Assemblywoman,...
STEAM is the acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Currently STEM programs are at the forefront of education. But, by bringing the arts into the mix, we can help teach students how to creatively apply what they have learned in order to improve their problem solving...
If you have a lot of patience, love working with people, and have the desire to keep leaning and growing within your profession, then a career in the medical field may be for you. When you hear medical, you may only think of a doctor or a nurse. But, the opportunities in medicine are endless. You...