244 The False Promise of Gene tically Engineered Foods
Better safe than sorry
An African proverb says, “If you have to test the depth of a river, put one leg in
the water first. This way you do not risk drowning.” This is another way to say
it is wise to act with precaution, and to follow the precautionary principle (see
page 32). When we are thinking about using new inventions and substances, it
is best to know they are safe, rather than risk being harmed unnecessarily.
But corporations and governments are testing GE foods on us every day by
having us plant and eat them without knowing what harm they may cause.
They are forcing us to “test the depth of the river” with 2 legs, instead of one!
Try these
Will the
crop be safe
to eat?
What will
the long
term health
effects be?
I’m not sure
that’s the
best choice
for us.
How do you know if seeds and food
are genetically engineered?
Most genetically engineered seeds do not look, feel, smell, or taste any different
than ordinary seeds, so they may be planted by farmers who do not know what
they are. Monsanto, the company that makes most GE products, has refused
to label them as GE foods, so the people who eat them cannot know if they
are GE foods. The only way to know if seeds and food are GE is to test their
genetic structure. Testing kits are available, but expensive, in the United States
and Europe.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012