Working for change
activities for learning, general
information about, 14–19
air pollution, 456
in building materials, 380,
cholera prevention, 2–4, 11–12
clean energy, 531, 535, 539,
composting programs, 401
conflict and, 25
dams, large, 172–173
deforestation, 7–9, 30, 176
dust (mining), 480
elements for success in, 4
food security, 221, 224,
225–230, 232, 235
forest restoration, 197
GE foods, 238–239, 245, 246–247
groups working together, 4
in home safety, 4, 353
house-by-house training, 4
institutions of community,
building, 25
kinds of changes needed, 13
long-term health as goal of, 25
mining, 475, 480, 483, 484,
493–494, 495–497
oil, 500–505, 512, 520, 521–523
people as resource for, 4, 13
pesticides, 254–255, 265,
recycling, 5, 388, 408, 416–417
root causes, finding, 7–8, 11, 12
sanitary landfills, 5
solid waste, 297, 388, 391–395,
400, 408, 416–417
stoves, improvement of,
353, 359
sustainable farming, 218–219,
224, 280, 312, 315, 316–317
sustainable forest
management, 195-197
time required for changes, 13, 16
tree planting, 7–9, 30, 176, 205
waste collection, 388, 406
water, government-
community partnership
for, 62, 63
watershed protection, 159, 163,
164–166, 173
young people and, 13
also see Environmental
justice; International
law; Prevention;
Rights; Sanitation;
Sustainability; Toxics,
avoiding and controlling;
Water security
blood flukes, 56, 171
guinea worm, 44
prevention of, 57–58
also see Diarrhea diseases
Yellow fever, 28, 148
Yoga, 346
Young people
activities and, 16
working for change with, 13
Yucca starch, 373
Zero waste, 416
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012