Here is a selection of organizations, printed materials, and internet resources
that can provide useful information about environmental health. We have
listed organizations and materials that cover as many of the topics in this book
as possible, and that work in many parts of the world.
Resources are listed according to the topics in the book. Within each topic,
there are organizations, printed materials, and internet resources.
Organizations work directly on environmental health issues, and can offer
training, materials, and other kinds of support.
Printed materials such as books may be helpful to individuals and community
groups working to improve environmental health. Often, printed materials
include suggestions of other resources.
Internet resources contain information about many areas of environmental
health. They also have links to other resources.
Within each heading, resources are listed in the order of the alphabet:
Training for environmental health and justice
Printed materials
International Institute for Environment and
Development (IIED)
An international policy research institute that
works with many groups, from smallholder
farmers and big city slum-dwellers to national
governments, regional NGOs, and global
institutions to promote sustainable and
equitable global development.
80-86 Gray’s Inn Road, London WC1X 8NH, UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20-3463-7399
Fax: +44 (0) 20-3514-9055
Website: www.iied.org
Community mapping: A tool for community
Detailed guidelines including examples of
community maps in different parts of the
WaterAid-water for life
Prince Consort House
27-19 Albert Enbankment, London SE17UB UK
Tel: +44 (0) 20-7793-4500
Website: www.wateraid.org