Sanitary Landfills 413
Making the landfill
The size of the landfill pit depends on the amount of trash that will go into it.
All pits should be narrower at the bottom than the top to prevent them from
collapsing. This shape also helps compact the trash because there is more
weight on top than on the bottom.
A sign posted by the landfill gate with the hours it is open helps landfill
workers better control what is dumped, and when, and how.
A way to put
out fires,
such as sand,
soil, or a
water source
A well-built and well-equipped landfill
piles with
A shelter with
tools and
clothing for
all workers
Toilet and a
water source
to wash after
Pipe to
vent gases
Fence all the
way around with
locking gate
Sloping walls to
prevent collapse
The lining has 3 layers:
Lining the pit
To protect groundwater, the landfill
needs a protective lining at the
bottom. A good lining can be made by
compacting layers of clay, gravel, and
soil. Building the landfill in an area
with hard clay soil will make this easier.
Top layer – 1 meter of
compacted soil
Middle layer – 1/2 meter of
Bottom layer – at least
1 meter of pounded clay soil
If there are resources to provide a better protective lining, layers of thick
plastic sheeting and thick fabric will give more protection, and a system of
pipes and pumps can be built to remove liquids.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012