Th e r i g h t to en o u g h sa fe wat er
Bottling and selling the right to water
When people do not trust that water from their taps is clean, those who can
afford to, buy bottled water. If there are germs in tap water, drinking safe
bottled water is a way to avoid illness. But just because water is sold in a
bottle does not mean it is safe. In many cases, bottled water is just tap water
in a bottle, but sold at a much higher price. The best way to support the health
of both people and the environment is to improve water quality and reliability
by improving the public water supply.
When you consider the health problems caused by making the plastic
bottles water is sold in, as well as filling, transporting, and disposing of them,
the cost of bottled water is higher than providing safe water for everyone.
Companies sell bottled water because it is very profitable. They
often advertise their water products in ways to make people think
that publicly supplied water is not healthy or “good enough.”
Multinational companies that sell water, like
Coca Cola, often harm the
local economy by driving
local soft drink companies
out of business. Sometimes
they use so much water they
harm people by creating a
shortage of water for drinking,
household needs, irrigation of
crops, and other local activities
(see story on page 67).
Safe, healthy piped water
systems are one of the most
important ways to improve health for
everyone. In Europe and North America, safe water
systems are the very foundation of public health. There is
no reason why people in less wealthy countries should suffer
from a lack of safe water and be forced to buy expensive
bottled water.
Having enough clean water to live a healthy life is a human right.
Protecting and fulfilling people’s right to water is best achieved by publicly
managed or community controlled water systems. To make sure government
provides good service, community members are increasingly involved in
overseeing water utilities. This helps make sure they are managed with
people’s health as the top priority.
A Community Guide to Environmental Health 2012