why children lose their hearing and what we can do 201
For infection of the ear canal caused by
objects or water in the ear
Mix 1 spoon of vinegar with 1 spoon of boiled water (cooled until warm).
Put drops of this solution into the ear 3 or 4 times a day.
If there is fever or swelling around the ear:
give amoxicillin or cotrimoxazole (same dosage as for sudden ear
infection, see pages 195 to 196).
It is best to take the child to a hospital immediately. But if you cannot
and if there is no improvement in 2 days then change to amoxicillin with
clavulanic (same dose as amoxicillin on page 195, but 4 times a day instead of
3), or erythromycin (see page 196 for dose). Use for 5 to 7 days.
If there is a lot of wax or anything else in the ear:
Wax can be removed by washing with warm water (see page 199). The ear
must be kept as dry as possible afterward.
If infection or itching continues after the bad pain goes away:
Put 2 or 3 drops of gentian violet (2% in 10% alcohol) in the ear once a
week for 2 or 3 weeks.
Note: A child can bathe, but should not put his ears under water or swim for 2
weeks after the infection is gone.
Childhood illnesses
Infection during childhood by diseases such as malaria, measles, mumps,
or meningitis can damage the hearing nerve. Sometimes only one ear is
affected, but meningitis usually affects both ears. For more about these
illnesses, see Hesperian’s book Where There Is No Doctor.
Prevent childhood illnesses with immunizations
Immunize children against all the childhood diseases — especially
those that can cause deafness, such as measles, mumps, and rubella
(German measles). Vaccinations are usually given free. It is better to
take your children to be immunized than to take them for treatment
when they are sick or dying.
If health workers do not immunize in your village, take your
children to the nearest health center to be immunized. Or work
together with other people in your area to bring health workers to
your community. Immunizations save lives and hearing — they
should be made easily available.
Helping Children Who Are Deaf (2004)