guidelines for teaching language 25
Talk with your family
Everyone in a family plays a role in a child’s life. Each person caring
for a child, especially one with special needs, may have different ideas
about the best way to raise and help that child. It is important for all
those who care for the child to find time to talk together and understand
each others’ ideas. And if
Let me watch
Thuy for the
weekend so
you can get
some rest.
one of you is feeling tired
or discouraged, the others
may be able to help.
Ask others for help
Parents can ask other
community members
and neighbors to help
care for the deaf child.
When I was little,
my parents used
to take me to the
market with them.
Meet the deaf people in
your community. Deaf
adults remember what it felt like
to be deaf children. They will
probably be happy to help your
family and your child.
Hearing people who use
sign language can help you
communicate with deaf
adults if you do not know sign
Mariama is explaining
how her parents
would bring her to the
Talk to a health worker or school teacher, or someone that teaches
children who are deaf. This is especially helpful if your child does not
seem to be learning new skills after several months.
I will write
to Mrs. Patel.
She is a deaf
teacher in
the city.
Helping Children Who Are Deaf (2004)