Sexual Harassment 407
Many of these conditions cannot be changed unless workers
get together and demand change. But here are some things
you can do yourself to prevent problems:
• When you begin a new task, get instructions from your
boss or supervisor about how to safely use all equipment
and chemicals. Always ask for advice from women with
experience using the same equipment or the same chemicals.
• Whenever possible, wear protective clothing—like hats,
masks, gloves, or earplugs for loud noises. When working
with machines, avoid wearing loose clothing. Keep long hair
tied up and covered.
Sexual harassment is unwanted sexual
attention from an employer, manager, or
any man with power over a woman.
This includes saying something
sexual that makes a woman
uncomfortable, touching her in
a sexual way, or making her have
sex. Every woman is in danger
of sexual harassment. It does not
matter if she works for her family in
the country or in a factory in the city.
There are many reasons why it is hard
for a woman to say ‘no’ to sexual harassment:
• She may be afraid she will lose her job, which she needs to
support herself and her family.
• She may have been raised to obey and respect the wishes
of older men and men in power.
• The man may be a relative, and she may be afraid if she says
no or complains he will be made to look bad.
But no matter what situation a woman is in, sexual
harassment is wrong. It is also against the law in many countries.
If you have been sexually harassed, try to find someone to
confide in and to give you support. You can also share your
experience with other women. Although you may not be able
to end the harassment, sharing your story with others can help
them avoid being harassed.
rape and sexual
What you can do to avoid and stop sexual harassment:
• Try to avoid the men who have harassed other women where you work.
• Do not go anywhere alone with male employers.
• Find out if there are laws to protect you from harassment.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012