586 Index (Yellow Pages)
Urine system problems (continued)
pain in abdomen with, 355
poor control (incontinence), 370,
signs, 367
treatment for infection, 367–368
urine system overview, 365
Uterus (See Womb)
hepatitis B, 277, 503
tetanus, 68, 161, 462, 515
tuberculosis (TB), 390, 391
Vacuum aspiration abortion, 38,
244, 248
abnormal discharge, 265–268
bleeding from
after abortion, 251–253, 363,
after childbirth, 84, 92–93, 97,
362, 483, 547
after female genital cutting, 461
after menopause, 363
after miscarriage, 98, 235, 363
after sex, 363
before baby is born, 85
danger signs, 359
bleeding from (continued)
during pregnancy, 73, 74, 362
during sex, 274
fibroids, 380
hormonal method of family
planning and, 207
medicines for, 483
pain in abdomen with, 355
problems with monthly
bleeding, 360–361
weak blood (anemia) and
pregnancy risks, 72, 73
cancer from DES (diethylstilbestrol),
care during monthly bleeding, 55
changes during puberty, 54
cleanliness, 154
defined, 44
discharge during pregnancy, 69
douching, 154
dryness in older women, 128
illustrated, 45
itching, 265
overview, 45
pelvic exam, 159, 535–538
placing anything inside, 252
plant medicines and, 22, 96
signs that labor is near, 80
swollen fold on one side, 276
torn from giving birth, 96
Vagina (continued)
urine leaking from, 161, 370–371,
(Also see Female genital cutting;
Monthly bleeding; STIs)
Vaginal opening, 44
Vaginal pessaries, 131
Vaginal rings, 224
Vaginal sex, safety of, 189
Vaginosis, bacterial, 266, 268
learned from community, 56, 139,
182, 183
learned from family, 56
Varicose veins
during pregnancy, 70
in older women, 132
the pill and, 208
from sitting or standing work, 404
Vas deferens, 46
Vasectomy, 223
VD (See STIs)
Vegetables, 166, 170
Veins, swollen (See Piles;Varicose
Vinegar, for yeast infections, 266,
Violence against women, 312–325
cycle of violence, 319
drug and alcohol misuse and, 439
feelings about, 313, 315, 321, 323
harmful effects of, 320
health workers and, 325
helping the man, 325
kinds of, 317
Laura and Luis, 314–315
leaving your partner, 322–323
mental health and, 418
reasons for, 316
refugees and displaced women,
safety plan, 322–323
seriousness of, 5, 313
services for women, 324
sex workers, 345
social pressures, 183, 324
talking about, 323
warning signs, 318–319
what to do, 322–323
why women stay, 321
women with disabilities and, 146, 319
working for change, 323–324
(Also see Female genital cutting;
Rape; Refugees and displaced
Virginity, marriage and, 185
Vision problems (See Eyes)
Vitamin A, 169
Vitamin B6,TB and pregnancy, 389
Vitamin B12, weak blood (anemia)
and, 471
Vitamins and minerals, 167–170
after quitting alcohol, 441
calcium, 168
expense of, 471
folic acid (folate), 73, 168
in fruits and vegetables, 170
iodine, 68, 169
iron, 53, 73, 129, 167
refugees and displaced women, 452
vitamin A, 169
vitamin B6, 389
vitamin B12, 471
after abortion, 258
and antiretrovirals, 518
by babies, 119
kidney infection and, 367
from medicines, 479
by persons with AIDS, 302
taking medicines, 478
(Also see Nausea)
defined, 44
illustrated, 44
warts on, 269
(Also see Female genital cutting)
mental health and, 418
war rape, 329
(Also see Refugees and displaced
Warm bottle method for
removing breast milk, 113
Warning signs (See Danger
signs; Solving health problems)
on genitals, 269, 376
wet, on genitals, 269, 270
(Also see Growths)
Washer-woman’s hands, 409
Washing (See Cleanliness)
for bladder infection, 367
clean source of, 151, 155, 401
dehydration from burns, 539
latrine distance from, 152
purifying, 155
rectal fluids, giving, 541
for refugees and displaced women,
rehydration drink, 540
shock, treating with fluids, 540–541
signs of dehydration, 298
standing water, 151
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012