(Yellow Pages) Index 579
Neonatal conjunctivitis, 276
Nervous conditions (See Mental
Nevirapine, 519–520
Night blindness, vitamin A for, 169
Nipples, 114–115
discharge from, 382
flat or inverted, 114
illustrated, 45
overview, 45
position in baby’s mouth, 108, 109,
sore or cracked, 115–117
(Also see Breasts)
Nitrofurantoin, 509
for bladder infection, 368
Non-infectious diseases, 21
Norfloxacin, 509
for diarrhea for people with HIV,
overview, 481
Noristerat, 214, 215
Nuclear power plants, 376
Numbness, from the pill, 210
Nutrition (See Diet)
Nystatin, 510
for fungal infections, 300
for thrush, 305
for yeast infections, 266
Ointments, 474 (Also see Medicines)
Older men
erection difficulties in, 128
sex with, 63, 64
Older women, 122–137
anxiety, 135
back pain, 132
breast lumps, 129
common health problems, 123,
community services for, 137
death, accepting, 137
depression, 135
fallen womb (prolapsed uterus),
131, 398
government policies and laws, 137
health care recommendations,
hearing loss, 134
high blood pressure, 130
joint and muscle pain (arthritis), 133
medicine doses, 478
mental confusion (dementia), 135
monthly bleeding ends (menopause),
monthly bleeding heavy, 129
Older women (continued)
risks from pregnancy, 72
seeing problems, 134
sexual relations, 128
teaching others, 137
varicose veins, 132
weak blood (anemia), 129
working for change, 136–137
(Also see Menopause)
Once-a-week pills, 224
Open lip or palate, in baby, 118
after an operation, 39
for cancer, 379, 381, 383, 384
common for women, 38
for fibroids, 380
hysterectomy, 38, 379, 381
for no more children, 223
(Also see Abortion; Sterilization)
Opium (See Drugs)
Oral sex,187, 189-190, 279, 524
Organizing (See Unions;Working
for change)
Orgasm, 44, 187
Osteoporosis (See Weak bones)
Outer folds of the vulva, 44
(Also see Female genital cutting)
cancer, 383
cysts, 383
exam, 534
illustrated, 45
monthly cycle and, 48–49
overview, 45
Overweight people, health
problems of, 174
Ovulation, 47, 49, 231
Oxytocin, 510
abortion from, 241
for bleeding after birth, 92, 103
hurrying birth, 471
overview, 483
Packaged foods, 170
Pads, menstrual, 55
acupressure massage for, 546–547
after miscarriage, 98
in back during pregnancy, 71
in back in older women, 131, 132
in breasts during breastfeeding,
in chest, 210
from contractures, 143
during sex, 193, 274, 355, 380
in joints and muscles (arthritis), 133,
Pain (continued)
in joints from work, 405
in lower belly, 352–357
after abortion, 255, 256, 258,
after childbirth, 355
after passing urine, 367
with bleeding from vagina, 355,
brief, during middle of monthly
cycle, 356
during monthly bleeding, 50,
during pelvic exam, 537
during pregnancy, 73, 355
during sex, 193, 274, 355, 356
with fever, 355
fibroids, 129, 231, 354
hunger and, 357
with IUD, 217, 354, 356
kinds of pain, 354–356
miscarriage, 98, 234–235, 354,
monthly bleeding late, 354
overview, 352, 353
pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID), 274
questions about, 357
severe, 354, 355, 357
STIs, 263, 267
sudden and severe, 354
tubal pregnancy, 73, 249, 354
with urine system problems,
in lower belly (continued)
when moving, walking, or lifting,
without other signs, 356
womb infection, 97
medicines for, 482
miscarriage and, 235
in nipples during breastfeeding,
in persons with AIDS, 308
pressure point for easing, 50, 546
in shoulders after abortion, 258
in stomach from medicines, 479
sudden, near kidneys or bladder, 369
from the pill, 210
with vaginal discharge, 265, 274
when passing urine, 267, 367
(Also see Back pain)
Pains, labor (See Contractions)
Palate, cleft in baby, 118
Papaya, for pressure sores, 306
Pap tests, 159, 376, 378
Paracetamol, 511
for burns (pain), 538, 539
overview, 482
for persons with AIDS, 308
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012