516 tetracycline, tinidazole, trichloroacetic acid
tetracycline (Achromycin, Sumycin,Terramycin,Theracine, Unimycin)
Tetracycline is an antibiotic of the tetracycline family. It is used to treat many infections including chlamydia,
syphilis, pelvic inflammatory disease, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and other infections. Doxycycline works
for all the same infections, costs less and is easier to take (see page 499).
In what forms
does this
Capsules: 100, 250, or 500 mg
Ointment: 1%
Do not take within 1 hour of
eating dairy products or antacids.
Do not take if past expiration date.
How much and
when to take
Who should
not take this
For chlamydia: 500 mg 4 times
a day for 7 days (also take
other medicines, see page 268).
For syphilis: 500 mg 4 times a
day for 14 days.
For baby eye-care: a bit of
ointment in each eye at birth,
one time only.
Do not use tetracycline if you are
pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not
give to children under 9 years old
except for baby eye care. Do not
take if allergic to antibiotics of the
tetracycline family.
you should
Tetracycline does no
good in fighting common
colds or preventing STIs.
If you spend a lot of time in the
sun it can cause skin rashes. It may
cause diarrhea or upset stomach.
that may
for chlamydia: amoxicillin, azithromycin,
doxycycline, erythromycin
for PID: cefixime, ceftriaxone, doxycycline,
metronidazole, spectinomycin
for newborn eye-care: erythromycin ointment
for syphilis: benzathine penicillin, doxycycline,
tinidazole (Fasigyn, Simplotan,Tindamax)
Tinidazole is used for vaginal infections caused by trichomonas. It is also effective against some amoebas,
parasites, and giardia. It is similar to metronidazole but you don’t have to take it as long.
In what forms
does this
medicine come?
How much and
when to take
Tablets: 250 mg,
500 mg
For trichimonas: Take 2 grams
by mouth one time only, but
not if you are pregnant. If you
are pregnant: Take 500 mg by
mouth 2 times a day for 5 days.
Your sexual partner should also be treated.
Do not drink alcohol, not even one beer, while
you are taking tinidazole or for 3 days after. It
will make you feel very nauseous. Avoid this
medicine in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
you should
Drink a glass of water
after taking this medicine.
Metallic taste in mouth, upset
stomach or nausea, headache.
Other medicines that
may work
for trichimonas: metronidazole
trichloroacetic acid, bichloroacetic acid
Either trichloroacetic acid or bichloroacetic acid can be used to treat genital warts.
In what forms
does this
medicine come?
How much
and when to
Liquids in strengths
between 10% and 35%
Put only on wart
once a week for 1 to
3 weeks as needed.
Trichloroacetic acid will hur t or
destroy normal skin if spilled.
Use very carefully. It can burn normal
skin badly enough to cause a scar.
you should
First protect the area around the wart with
petroleum gel.Then put on trichloroacetic
acid. It will hurt for 15 to 30 minutes. If
it spills onto healthy skin, wash it off with
soap and water.You can also put baby
powder (talc) or baking soda on spills.
Other medicines that
may work
for genital warts: podophyllin
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012