The Medical
Most areas of the world have several different kinds of health
care. For example, there are community health workers,
midwives and traditional healers, doctors and nurses. They
might work in their own homes, in clinics or health centers, or
in hospitals. They may be in private practice (charge money for
their services), or they may be supported by the community, the
government, a church, or another organization. Sometimes they
are well trained and equipped—and sometimes they are not.
Together they are called the medical system.
Most people use some combination of modern medicine and
traditional remedies to treat their health problems themselves.
This is often all they need to do. But sometimes they need to
seek care from the medical system.
Unfortunately, many women have problems getting good
health care. They may not have enough money to visit a clinic
or buy medicine. Or maybe there are no health workers in
their community. Even if women can go to a clinic, it can be difficult
to talk with health workers about their problems. Sometimes
the clinic or hospital does not offer the services they need.
This chapter gives some ideas about how women can get
better health advice and better medical care. It also suggests
ways that women can work together to change the medical
system so that it better responds to their needs.
➤ When trained
promoters give basic
health care in the
community, everyone
gets better care for
less money.
Solving Health
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012