Finding information on a page
To find information on a page, first look over the whole page. You will see that the
page is divided into 2 parts: a large, main column and a small column on the outside
of the page. The main column gives most of the information about a topic. The small
column has additional information that can help you better understand the topic.
Whenever you see a picture of a book in the small column,
this means more information about a topic can be found in
another part of the book. The words under the book say
what the topic is. The page number on the book says where
that topic can be found. If there are several topics, the book is
foods rich in
shown once and the topics and their page numbers are listed below.
What the different things on a page mean:
Most pages have several headings. The headings in the small column give the
general topic that is being discussed on that page. The headings in the main column
give more specific topics.
chapter title
this word is
explained in
the List of
Difficult Words
See this page…
…for more
this topic
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Some pages also contain medicine boxes, which look like this:
These boxes tell you the amount of
medicine to give, how often to give it, and
for how long. Sometimes we recommend
medicines without putting them in a box.
In either case, look up each medicine in
the Green Pages before using it.
very important
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012