How to Give Fluids to Treat Shock 541
How to give rectal fluids
You will need:
• a clean enema bag, or a can or tin with tubing.
• a cloth to place under the person.
• 600 ml (a little more than ½ a liter bottle) of
warm (not hot) drinking water. If you have
them, sugar and salt rehydration drink or a bag
of IV solution can be used instead.
What to do:
1. Tell the woman what you are doing and why.
2. Wash your hands.
3. Ask her to lie on her left side if she can. If possible,
her body should be a little higher than her head.
4. If you have them, put on clean gloves.
5. Let the water come down to the end
of the tube to get the air out. Then
pinch the tubing to stop the flow.
Make sure her body is
higher than her head.
6. Wet the end of the tube with
water, and slide it into the anus.
Ask her to take slow, deep
breaths to help her relax.
Do not put the tube in more than this much.
7. Hold the bag or can just high enough for the water to run in very slowly
(about the level of the woman’s hips). It should take about 20 minutes. If the
water runs out of her body, the bag may be too high. Lower the bag so the
water runs in more slowly.
8. Gently remove the tube. Tell her to try and keep the water inside, and that
the urge to pass stool will go away soon. If the woman is unconscious, you can
hold her buttocks together.
9. Clean and dry the woman. Then remove your gloves and wash your hands.
10. Transport the woman for medical help right away. If the woman is still in shock, you
can give another enema one hour later. If she is not in shock, try to give sips of
rehydration drink as you transport her.
Where Women Have No Doctor 2012