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Care of Babies with Diarrhea
Diarrhea is especially dangerous in babies and
small children. Often no medicine is needed, but
special care must be taken because a baby can die
very quickly of dehydration.
♦ Continue breastfeeding and also give sips of
Rehydration Drink.
♦ If vomiting is a problem, give breast milk often,
but only a little at a time. Also give Rehydration
Drink in small sips every 5 to 10 minutes (see
Vomiting, p. 161).
♦ If there is no breast milk, try giving frequent
small feedings of some other milk or milk
substitute (like milk made from soybeans)
mixed to half normal strength with boiled
water. If milk seems to make the diarrhea
worse, give some other protein (mashed
chicken, eggs, lean meat, or skinned mashed
beans, mixed with sugar or well-cooked rice or
another carbohydrate, and boiled water).
♦ If possible, give zinc supplements (see p. 393).
♦ If the child is younger than 1 month, try to find a health worker before giving
any medicine. If there is no health worker and the child is very sick, give him
an ‘infant syrup’ that contains ampicillin: half a teaspoon 4 times daily (see
p. 352). It is better not to use other antibiotics.
When to Seek Medical Help in Cases of Diarrhea
Diarrhea and dysentery can be very dangerous—especially in small children.
In the following situations you should get medical help:
• if diarrhea lasts more than 4 days and is not getting better—or more than
1 day in a small child with severe diarrhea
• if the person shows signs of dehydration and is getting worse
• if the child vomits everything he drinks, or drinks nothing, or if frequent
vomiting continues for more than 3 hours after beginning Rehydration Drink
• if the child begins to have seizures, or if the feet and face swell
• if the person was very sick, weak, or malnourished before the diarrhea began
(especially a little child or a very old person)
• if there is much blood in the stools. This can be dangerous even if there is only
very little diarrhea (see gut obstruction, p. 94).