294 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
Every community has traditional methods to prevent or stop pregnancy. Some of
these can help limit the number of children a couple has, but they are usually not as
effective as modern methods. Some traditional methods can be harmful, and some
do not work at all. For example, washing out the vagina or urinating after sex will not
prevent pregnancy.
WITHDRAWAL OR PULLING OUT (coitus interruptus). The man pulls his penis out of
the woman and away from her genitals before the sperm comes. This method is better
than no method, but it does not always work. Sometimes a man is not able to pull
out before he ejaculates (comes). Even if the man pulls out in time, some liquid that
contains sperm can leak out of his penis before ejaculation and cause pregnancy.
Breastfeeding is an effective method of family planning only
when these 3 conditions are true:
1. The woman’s baby is less than 6 months old.
2. The woman has not had her monthly bleeding since
giving birth.
3. The woman is giving the baby only breast milk, and is
feeding the baby whenever he is hungry—with no more
than 6 hours between feedings—day and night. The
baby does not sleep through the night without feeding.
THE SPONGE METHOD. This is a home method that is not harmful and sometimes
works. You cannot be sure it will prevent pregnancy every time, and it does not protect
against HIV or other STIs, but it can be used when no other method is available.
You will need a sponge and either vinegar, lemons, or salt.
Either a sea sponge or an artificial sponge will work. If you do
not have a sponge, try a ball of cotton, wild kapok, or soft cloth.
♦ Mix:
2 tablespoons vinegar in 1 cup clean water
1 teaspoon lemon juice in 1 cup clean water
1 spoon of salt in 4 spoons clean water
♦ Wet the sponge with one of these liquids.
♦ Push the wet sponge deep into your vagina before having sex.
You can put it in up to 1 hour before.
♦ Leave the sponge in at least 6 hours after having sex.
Then take it out. If you have trouble getting it out, next
time tie a ribbon or piece of string to it that you can pull.
The sponge can be washed and used again, many times.
Keep it in a clean, dry place.
You can make up the liquid in advance and keep it in a bottle.