338 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
If you sell medicines in your store, people
probably ask you about which medicines to
buy and when or how to use them. You are in a
position to have an important effect on people’s
knowledge and health.
This book can help you to give correct
advice and to see that your customers buy only
those medicines they really need.
As you know, people too often spend the
little money they have for medicines that do not
help them. But you can help them understand
their health needs more clearly and spend their
money more wisely. For example:
• If people come asking for cough syrups,
for a diarrhea thickener like Kaopectate,
for vitamin B12 or liver extract to treat simple anemia, for penicillin to treat a sprain
or ache, or for tetracycline when they have a cold, explain to them that these
medicines are not needed and may do more harm than good. Discuss with them
what to do instead.
• If someone wants to buy a vitamin tonic, encourage him to buy eggs, fruit, or
vegetables instead. Help him understand that these have more vitamins and
nutritional value for the money.
• If people ask for an injection when medicine by mouth would work as well and be
safer—which is usually the case—tell them so.
• If someone wants to buy ‘cold tablets’ or some other expensive combination
of medicines for a cold, encourage him to save money by buying plain aspirin,
acetaminophen, or ibuprofen tablets and taking them with lots of liquids.
You may find it easier to tell people these things if you look up the information in this
book, and read it together with them.
Above all, sell only useful medicines. Stock your store with the medicines and
supplies listed for the Home and Village Medicine Kits, as well as other medicines and
supplies that are important for common illnesses in your area. Try to stock low cost
generic products or the least expensive brands. And never sell medicines that are
expired, damaged, or useless.
Your store can become a place where people learn about caring for their own
health. If you can help people use medicines intelligently, making sure that anyone
who purchases a medicine is well informed as to its correct use and dosage, as
well as the risks and precautions, you will provide an outstanding service to your
community. Good luck!