442 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
in a spastic child, 320
in leprosy, 191
in polio, 314–315
in stroke, 37, 327
in TB of backbone, 180
of face, 37, 327
Parasites, 19, 425
intestinal, 19, 140–145, 308
on skin, 19, 199–201
Patient report, 44
Pellagra, 114, 208–209
Pelvic inflammatory disease, 237, 243, 244, 395
Penis, 199, 232, 233, 235–240, 402–403
Peritonitis, 94–95, 129, 189, 425
Pertussis (See Whooping cough)
burns in eyes, 219
causing birth defects, 247
misuse of, 412–413
Pharmacist, words to, 338
Phlebitis, 288
PID (See Pelvic inflammatory disease)
Piles (hemorrhoids), 16, 175, 423
during pregnancy, 248
medicine for, 391
the Pill (for birth control), 285–289, 393–394
Pimples, 211, 419
(Also see Chickenpox)
Pink eye, 219–221, 308
Pinta, 207
Pinworm (threadworm, Enterobius), 12, 141
Placenta (afterbirth), 262–264, 269, 426
Placenta previa, 249, 426
Plantar warts, 210
medicinal, 12–13
that cause itching, 204
Play acting, w23
Pneumonia, 27, 41, 171, 399, 400
Poisoning, 103
food, 23, 135, 153, 161
of pregnancy, 249, 422
urine, 239–240
bites, 104–106
plants, 204
Poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis), 314
signs of, 37
vaccination, 147, 296, 314
Population, w10, 115
Posters, w22
Postpartum, 426
diet, 123
hemorrhage, 266, 390
Postural drainage, 169
Power of belief or suggestion, 2–5, 24, 426
Pre-eclampsia, 176, 249, 251, 422
Pregnancy, 247–255
anemia during, 124, 248–249, 391–392
bleeding during, 249, 264, 281
check ups during, w24, 250–253, 410
danger signs in, 249–251
difficulty becoming pregnant, 244
ectopic, 36, 243, 249, 280, 414
German measles during, 247, 312
growth and position of baby, 251–252, 257
how to prevent, 283–295
how to stay healthy during, 247
how to tell the baby’s birth date, 252
medicines during, 6, 54, 247, 398
minor problems of, 174, 248, 251
nutrition during, 118, 250
record of prenatal care, 253
signs of, 247
supplies to have ready before birth, 254–255
(Also see Family planning)
Pregnancy mask, 207
Prenatal care, 250–253
Presentation of an arm, 268, 426
Pressure points, 82
Pressure sores (See Bed sores)
Preventive medicine, w17, 17, 131–150
cleanliness, 131–136
how to avoid many sicknesses, 108, 148–150,
242, 326
sanitation, 137–139
sexually transmitted infection, 239, 401–403
vaccinations (immunizations), 147
worms and other intestinal parasites, 140–146
Prolapse of the rectum, 142, 426
Prophylactic (condom), 239, 285, 290, 395,
Prostate gland, 233, 235–236, 426
Protective foods, 110, 426
Proteins, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116–118, 121
Psoriasis, 216
Pterygium, 224, 426
Pulling out (to prevent pregnancy), 285, 294
Pulse, 32–33, 41, 410–411, 426, inside back cover
Pulsing or throbbing of stomach, 23
Pupils, examining, 217
Purges, 15–16
misuse of, 92, 126
Pyorrhea, 231
Questions to ask a sick person, 29, 44
Rabies, 181
Rash on the skin, 216, 236, 400
diaper rash, 215, 421
like tiny bruises (typhus), 190
of allergic reaction, 68, 166, 203–204, 356
of chickenpox, 311
of German measles, 312
of measles, 30, 311
of syphilis, 238
of typhoid, 189
preventing, 133
with itching, 199–200, 203