438 Where There Is No Doctor 2011
nutritious, 110–111, 295
plant, 116
producing, w11
spoiled, 103, 135
(Also see Diet, Nutrition)
Fractions, 59–60, 340
Fractures (See Broken bones)
Fright, 24, 422
Frostbite, 409
Frozen skin, 409
Fungus infection, 19, 58
ringworm, tinea, 205–206, 371–372
thrush, 232
vaginal yeast, 242, 369
Gallbladder, 422
home cure for, 12
pain in, 36
problems, 329
Gangrene, 213
Garlic, 12, 241, 242
Gastritis, 128–129
Gelusil, 173
Generic medicines, 333, 339, 423
Genital herpes, 402–403
Genital warts, 373, 402
Genitals, 205, 232, 233–244, 423
sores on, 237, 402–403
German measles (Rubella), 247, 312, 320
Germs, 19, 423
Giardia, 145, 336, 367–369, 423
and diarrhea, 153, 158
Gila monster bite, 106
Glaucoma, 33, 222, 323
Gloves, rubber or plastic, 255, 262, 264, 401
Glue sniffing, 416
Goiter, 10, 130, 423
Gonorrhea, 221, 236–237, 359
(Also see Sexually transmitted infections)
Grams, measuring in, 59–60, 423
Groin, lymph nodes in, 88, 238, 423
(Also see Hernia)
Group discussions, w24 w27
Growth, children’s, 107, 297–304
Guaco, 3
Guinea worm, 406–407
Gums, 229–232
bleeding of, 107, 231
pale, 124
swelling caused by medicine, 231
cramps, 12, 106, 145, 157, 243, 380
emergency problems of, 35, 93–94
infection, 47, 131, 144–145, 153, 189
obstructed, 22, 94
out of anus (prolapse), 142
outside a wound, 92
wounds in, 92
(Also see Abdomen, Swollen belly)
changes with malnutrition, 107
examination for lice, 200
loss of, 107
Hansen’s disease (See Leprosy)
Hare lip, 318, 423
Hay fever, 165, 427
fungus infections of, 205
injury, 37, 78, 91
swollen lymph nodes on, 88
Headaches, 162, 249, 410
Health, w7, w11
Health worker, w1 w7, w29, 43, 246, 340
attacks, 23, 325
confusion with heartburn, 128
trouble, 33, 310, 325, 410
Heartbeat, 32–33, 77
Heartburn, 423
diet for, 128–129
during pregnancy, 248
medicines for, 380–381
medicines to avoid, 54, 64
cramps, 81
exhaustion, 81
stroke, 78, 81
Hemorrhage (See Bleeding)
Hemorrhoids (See Piles)
Hepatitis, 26, 172, 416
Herbal teas, 1, 8
Herbs, curative, 12–13, 423
Hereditary problems, 18, 318–319, 321, 423
Hernia, 177, 423
during pregnancy, 256
in groin of newborn, 317
obstructing the gut, 94
Heroin, 416–417
Herpes simplex or labialis (See Cold sores)
Herpes zoster, 204, 373, 400
Hexing, 2
High blood pressure, 125, 249, 325–326, 411
History, taking, 20, 25, 29, 44, 250–253, 423
HIV and AIDS, 75, 153, 171, 236, 245, 286, 290,
396, 399–401, 416
and medicines, 357, 396–398
and pregnancy, 249, 398
and shingles, 204
and thrush, 232
and tuberculosis, 179
and vaccinations, 147
caring for someone with, 401
HIV test, 400
preventing, 401
Hives, 68, 166, 203, 423
Home remedies, 1–3
enemas and purges, 15
for infertility, 244