b) If the material is not a printed publication, note its format in square
brackets after the title.
Examples: [Braille] [Audio cassette] [CD-ROM] [Video]
c) If the material is a second or third edition, write this in abbreviated
form after the title, separated by a full stop, space, dash and another
space. This punctuation helps the information to be easily identified.
Example: On being in charge. – 2nd Ed.
3. Series information
If the item is part of a series, write the series in brackets after the title.
The malaria manual : guidelines for rapid assessment of social,
economic and cultural aspects of malaria (Methods of Social
Research on Tropical Diseases No. 2)
4. Publication details
a) Publication details include the place of publication, publisher's name
and date of publication. These are usually found at the bottom of the
title page or on the back of the title page. Separate the place and
publisher with a space, a colon and another space, and separate the
publisher and date of publication with a comma.
Example: London : Macmillan, 1994
b) Place of publication Usually only the town needs to be written, but
write the country as well if it would not be obvious to your users. If
several towns are listed, write the first one only. If no place has been
given, write in square brackets: [place unknown].
c) Publisher The publisher's name follows the place of publication. Write
the publisher's name in the shortest form. If the publisher is the same
as the author or editor, use an abbreviation. Separate the place of
publication and the publisher with a space, a colon and another space.
Example: Geneva : WHO, 1996
If there is no publisher, write in square brackets: [publisher unknown].
d) Date of publication This follows the publisher's name. It is usually
sufficient to give the year. For project papers and reports, include the
month as well, if given.
If no date is given, but is known, write the date in square brackets.
Example: [1999]
Otherwise, try to estimate the date from information given in the
publication, and use a question mark.
Example: [1998?]