DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is a service that offers an ‘always-on’ Internet
connection that is faster than a standard dial-up connection. DSL technology
uses existing 2-wire copper telephone wiring to deliver high-speed data services.
Dust jacket
The paper cover around a book.
One of a number of printings of a book or other materials, issued at separate
times with alterations.
Someone who prepares material for publication or supervises the publication of
a work or collection of works.
Electronic communication
The exchange of messages and information, as well as access to information
sources using computers and telecommunications devices, such as telephones
and modems. Methods of electronic communication include the Internet, e-mail
and CD-ROM.
Electronic conference
A forum for discussion and exchange of information using e-mail between a
group of people who share an interest in a particular topic.
E-mail (electronic mail)
A means of sending messages from a computer to one or more other computers
over a telephone line.
Electronic mailing list
Allows a group of people to communicate with each other using e-mail. A
message is sent to the mailing list address and automatically distributed to all
members of the group.
The part of a database record that contains information about one particular
aspect of a material or organisation, such as the author or the title of a book,
or the address or activities of an organisation.
Field tags
Labels used by a computer program to identify individual fields, such as 200
for the title field, or 300 for the author field. Programs designed for use by
individuals or less traditional information services usually use names rather
than numbers.
The general appearance of a material, for example, book, video or CD-ROM.