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Packenham-Walsh, N, Priestley, C, Smith R, ‘Meeting the information needs of health
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Section 1: Planning a resource centre
Action plan adapted from: Peace Corps Incountry resource center workshop: a
training manual. Training manual No T-48.
Section 2: Management and finance
Children first! Resource kit. Geneva: Subgroup on Outreach and Advocacy of the
NGO/UNICEF Coordinating Committee on Activities for Children in Eastern and
Central Europe, 1994.
Doing it ourselves. The Hague: Consumers International, 1988.
‘How to prepare a funding proposal’, adapted from: Directory of funders in
maternal health and safe motherhood. WHO, 1995.
Section 3: Space, furniture and equipment
List of furniture and equipment adapted from: S Giggey, Rural community
resource centres - a guide for developing countries. London: Macmillan, 1988.
Section 5: Organising the information
Chiware, Elisha and Hadebe, Bonani, A manual for rural libraries in Africa.
Bulawayo: Rural Libraries and Resources Development Programme, 1992.
Lendita, Wilson and O'Sullivan, Sheila, Proceedings of the district resource
centre assistants’ workshop. Iringa, Tanzania: PHCI, 1994.
Philipps, Eva, Documentation made easy. Wiesbaden: GATE, 1990.