5. Number of pages/format/length
a) Write down the number of pages followed by 'p.'
Example: 145 p.
If there are no page numbers, estimate the number, and put this in
square brackets.
Example: [150 p.]
b) To catalogue Braille materials, write down the number of pages or
leaves (if only one side of the page can be read), depending on the type
of Braille used in the publication.
Example: 34 leaves
c) To catalogue audiovisual materials, write down the format, and then
the length in brackets. If the length is not shown, time the tape when
playing. It is not necessary to watch or listen to the whole tape, only to
note the time when it starts and ends.
Example: Audio cassette (35 min.)
If audiovisual materials are accompanied by an information sheet, a
trainer's guide, or a booklet, this should be mentioned in the catalogue.
Separate this from the format and length information with a space,
plus sign and another space.
Example: Audio cassette (35 min.) + booklet (23 p.)
6. Illustrations
It is often helpful for users to know whether a material contains illustrations,
before they start looking for the material on the shelves. If print materials
contain any illustrations that are important for understanding the material,
this should be mentioned in the catalogue. You can do this by adding the
abbreviation ‘ill.’ after the number of pages or length, separated by a space,
semi-colon and another space.
Example: 23 p. : ill.
7. Notes
Put any notes needed to explain the content of the material.
Example: Tape and booklet to accompany the Healthy Woman
Counselling Guide radio programme
8. Keywords
Write the keywords, separated by a forward slash. Use enough keywords to
describe the content of the material.
Example: malaria / health education / radio
9. Accession number
Write the accession number at the bottom right-hand corner.
10. Classification number
Write the classification number at the top right-hand corner.