366 chapter 41
• Do not blame, scold or punish the child for not learning, or for ‘not trying’. This may
only make things worse. A child can easily become frustrated with her special learning
difficulty. Trying to force or shame her into learning can make her more restless, angry,
or rebellious. Some children will not admit to themselves and others that they have
trouble learning something. Instead they hide their difficultly by pretending they do
not want to learn.
Thus a child who has
a special learning
disability may be
mistaken for one who
is simply stubborn,
lazy or a trouble-
maker. The child may
become defensive and
uncooperative. You
will need to snow a
lot of understanding,
patience, and proof
of your respect for
the child in order
to win his trust and
cooperation. But after
trust and respect are
established, he may
become as eager
and considerate as
he was stubborn and
troublesome before.
• Special help with learning may be needed. It often works best to move forward
in small steps, with much repetition, so that the child finds it easier and gains
confidence. (See Chapter 34.) Make study periods short and mix them with
activities that the child likes. And of course, try to make learning fun.
• Let the child learn, and use what she learns, at her own speed. Do not hurry her.
Help her to relax. It has been found that when children who have difficulty with
reading or writing are given all the time they need to take tests, they often do as
well as other students.
• Some very intelligent children never learn to read or write. Some of these children,
if given a chance to study with the help of tape recorders or other means, have
completed university degrees. Others have preferred to leave school and learn
other skills. Many have become leaders in their communities or work places. What
is important is to help and encourage these children to develop in the areas where
they are strongest.
WARNING: Some doctors are quick to treat learning disabilities with medicines—
especially when the children are very active. Use of medicine is often not helpful,
and may do more harm than good. Try to get advice from several experienced
persons before giving any medicines.
Disabled village Children