The story of Pepe’s crutches is an example of the lessons we have learned that
helped to create this book. We are a group of village health and rehabilitation workers
who have worked with people in farming communities of western Mexico to form
a ‘villager-run’ rehabilitation program. Most of us on the rehabilitation ‘team’ are
disabled ourselves.
From our experience of trying to help disabled children and their families to meet their
needs, we have developed many of the methods, aids, and ideas in this book. We have
also gathered ideas from books, persons, and other programs, and have adapted them to
fit the limitations and possibilities of our village area. We hope this book will be useful to
village people in many parts of the world. So we have asked for cooperation and included
suggestions from community program leaders in more than 20 countries.
This book was
not written by
and then
‘field tested’
with community
Unlike most handbooks for village workers
and families, this book was not written by
‘professionals’ and then ‘field tested’. Instead,
it grew out of the practical experience of a
team of disabled village health workers as we
looked for information to help meet the most
common problems we face.
However, a large number of professionals
have helped in important ways. Many
are well-known leaders in their fields.
They include physical and occupational
therapists, special educators, nurses,
doctors, brace and limb makers, and
rehabilitation engineers. They have carefully
reviewed and even helped to rewrite
sections of this book. Some have also
helped to teach and advise our village team.
Instead, it was
written by and
with community
and then reviewed
and corrected by