566 chapter 60
Exercises during strapping
While the baby’s foot is strapped, someone in the family should do stretching
exercises on his foot every time he is fed or changed (at least 8 times a day).
1. Hold the baby’s
leg like this and
turn his whole
foot UP and OUT.
Hold and count to 10.
Repeat 10 times.
2. Turn it as if you
were trying to touch the
little toe to the outer
side of the knee.
The strapping and
exercises should be
continued until the foot
is overcorrected (bends
outward a little).
3. If the foot is
shaped like a bean,
also do an exercise
to stretch the foot
in the opposite
direction of the
deformity, like this.
4. After stretching
the baby’s foot this
way, help the baby
to stretch it himself
by tickling the outer
edge of his foot.
out up
If the foot is not straightened completely within about 3 months of strapping and
exercises, surgery is probably needed.
This method uses a casting technique similar to the one for correcting contractures
(see Chapter 59). A club foot is gradually straightened in 3 stages:
Stage A
Straighten the
inward bend so
that the foot
points down.
Do not yet
begin to lift
the foot.
Stage B
Overcorrect so that the
foot points down and
out. Keep the foot in this
position until the heel
no longer turns in but
is straight or turns out
just a little.
Stage C
Now bring the
foot up, making
sure that the
outside of the
foot is higher
than the inside.
Disabled village Children