610 chapter 65
CP Deciding where to place body guides
1. Look carefully
at how the
child sits.
2. Draw a sketch
of how he sits.
Then draw
arrows where
you would need
to push to
help him sit
3. While someone holds the child
in his best position,
mark where
you think
the guides
should be
4. First, build in the guides in a
temporary way.
You can put various
holes in the
backboard for
straps if needed.
The guides under
the child’s arms
should be thin.
To hold their
position you can
use angle irons.
5. See how well
the child sits
in the adapted
seat. When you
cannot improve
it more, fasten
the guides
firmly and pad
them so they do
not hurt him.
An ‘H’ harness,
with straps that
pass through
slots in the
backboard, is
another way
to help hold
steady the body
of a severely
disabled child.
Disabled village Children