index 645
Things in this book are listed in the order of the alphabet: A B C D E …
Page numbers in bold tell you where to find the main reference in this book.
Adaptations in the home and community for the
disabled, Chapter 51
Adapting aids and therapy to local situation
artificial leg (India), 3
arm exercises grinding grain (Africa), 528
bamboo limbs (Thailand), 625, 628‑631
crutches from tree branches, A‑1, A‑2
ground level seats and wheelchairs (Bangladesh), 590
Jaipur foot (India), 636
plastic bucket braces (Mexico), 550‑553
village sign language (Mexico), 4
walking on V‑shaped path to stretch ankles, 82
wheelchair adaptations, 590, 622
wrist and hand exercise, 11
Aids and equipment
adapting the aid to the specific child, Chapter 56, 581, 589‑593
books on, 642
developmental aids, Chapter 62
for appearance or function, 531‑532
for bathing, 103, 345‑348
for communication, 263, 578
for correcting contractures, 5‑7, 84‑86
for crawling, 105, 309, 310, 507
for dressing, 335‑336
for examining, measuring, recording, Chapter 5, 52‑53, 578, 610
for exercising, 82‑83, 140‑146, Chapter 42, 518, 578
for feeding, 323, 326‑332, 431, 501, 577
for foot deformities, 7, 82‑83
for head protection, 235
for holding and gripping, 5, 501, 577
for holding legs apart, 5‑7, 81, 93, 95‑99, 573, 574, 583, 609‑612
for improving balance, 105, 298, 299, 312, 316‑317, 576
for leprosy, 223‑225
for lying, 95, 96, 500, 571,572
for moving about, 93, 98, 172, 440, 507, 520
for play and sport, 190
for protecting burns, 231
for protecting hands that do not feel, 223‑225
for sitting, 5, 95, 97, 98, 103, 111, 573
for spina bifida, 168, 172, 174
for standing, 99, 105, 151, 172, 185, 190, 500, 574‑575
for toilet training, 189, 342‑344, 577
for turning pages, 501
for using hands, 5, 189, 305‑306, 316, 318, 578
for walking, 65, 73, 99, 105‑106, 149, 150‑152, 172, 177
for wheelchair transfers, 394‑396
for work, 6, 190, 501, 503, 507, 509, 588
for writing and school aids, 501, 578
hearing aids, 262
making sure aids and equipment meet child’s needs, 526‑529
Amputations (limbs missing or cut off), Chapter 27
amputated fingers, 232
amputated hands, 227, 230, 531‑532
amputated legs, 227‑230
artificial hands and hooks, 121, 227, 230, 531
care of newly amputated limb, 228
emotional and social problems, 531‑532
from birth, 119, 121
good positioning, 229
tying shoes with one hand, 336
(Also see Artificial legs, Chapter 67)
Anemia, 197, 201, 320
Arch supports and insoles, 117‑118
Arm, incomplete or missing, 121
paralysis from birth injury (Erb’s palsy), 127‑128
Art by disabled persons, 112,437‑440, 462, 463, 517‑518
Arthritis, Juvenile. Chapter 16
aids for, 335‑336
applying heat before exercise, 132, 372
aspirin, use of, 134
causes, 136, 158
how it is different from rheumatic fever, 129, 130
exercises and positions, 138‑152, 368, 372‑373, 387
eye damage, 136
how to care for painful joints, 132
medicines for, 137
precautions with exercise, 374‑376
signs of, 135
three types, 136
treatment of contractures, 147‑149
water therapy, 133, 144
Arthrogryposis (multiple contractures from birth), 122‑123
Artificial hands, arms, hooks, 121, 227, 230, 531
Artificial legs. Chapter 67
above‑knee artificial leg, 521‑522, 633‑634
adapting limbs to local needs, 3, 521, 529, 531‑532, 636
bamboo limb, 521‑522, 628‑634
books on artificial legs, 642
Jaipur limb and foot, 529, 636
leather and metal rod limb, 633
leather sockets, 635
measurements needed, 627, 633, 636
OHI Limb Program (Thailand), 521‑522
short limbs for double amputees, 227
stump protectors from old tires, 635
using PVC plastic pipe, 632
wooden legs, 635
wrapping the stump, 228, 626
Aspirin, for joint pain, 134
Assessment (See Examination, Evaluation)
Ataxia (See Balance problems)
Athetosis, in cerebral palsy, 89
Awareness raising, books on politics of disability, rehabilitation,
and medicine, 641
Back knee (knee bends back more than normal), 28, 44, 61, 67,
69‑70, 72
Back problems
backbone, 165‑166
identification of, 56‑57
spina bifida, 167‑174
spinal cord injury, Chapter 23
spinal curves, 161‑164
tuberculosis of the backbone, 165‑166
with muscular dystrophy, 109, 112
with arthritis, 135
Back support clamps, adjustable, 572
Back‑board, standing board, 574
Backbone (See Spine, spinal)
Bag or lump on back, Chapter 21
(Also see Spina bifida, Tuberculosis of spine)
Balance problems (ataxia), 90
aids to improve balance, 4, 105, 298, 299, 312, 316‑317, 369,
424, 431, 576
in cerebral palsy 90, 104‑105
test for, 105
Bathing and cleanliness, Chapter 39, 475, 487‑488
Bed sores (See Pressure sores)
Beds, adjustable, 572
Behavior problems and improvement, Chapter 40
behavioral approach to learning, 350
books on behavior training, 641
head banging, biting, and damage to self, 363‑364
ignoring bad behavior, 351‑352
in child with learning disability 365‑366
in the mentally slow child, examples, 349‑355, 359‑361
in the physically disabled child, 356‑358
rewarding good behavior, 351
rocking, 364
stories about (See p. 12)
tantrums, 362
disabled village children