Hopes and doubts
Many training programs find it helpful to spend one of the first discussion periods
giving everyone a chance to express his hopes and doubts about the course. Each
student and instructor is asked:
• “What do you hope to learn from or get out of the training program?”
• “What fears, doubts, or uncertainties do you have about the program?”
Giving everyone a chance to express his expectations and doubts has three
• It starts people talking with each other about things that really matter to
• It helps students realize that their ideas and concerns are important, and
will be taken into consideration in planning the course.
• It gives instructors ideas for adapting the course to better meet the
students’ desires and needs.
All this sounds good on paper, but will it work? Will new students, mostly strangers
to each other, speak openly about their hopes and doubts?
Often they will not—at least not if asked in front of the whole group.
But if they split up into small groups of 2 or 3 persons, they usually will feel more
comfortable about expressing their feelings. One person in each group can be
chosen to take notes during these discussions, and later report to the whole group.
It can be surprising how many important concerns come to the surface.
(the advantage of starting discussion in very small groups)
1. In a large
people often
find it hard to
say what they
think or feel.