kind of
The story of a malnourished child (Mexico)..................................... true Front-7
Chelo and his family (Why This Book Is So Political)....................... true Front-8
The importance of not knowing it all................................................ true
Appropriate and inappropriate teaching: two stories................ parables 1-26
Strengths and weaknesses of village-level instructors.................... true
The John that never returned (need for task analysis)................ parable
Three stories about village leaders and water systems
from Indonesia, Mexico, and Bangladesh................................ true 6-18
Two stories about health committees............................. question raiser 10-3
Health workers teach the doctor to clean up................................... true 10-17
Janaki and Saraswati: a story from Indiabuilds on..... builds on tradition 13-1
Two stories from Lardin Gabas, Nigeria
Blood worms (schistosomiasis)................................. builds on tradition 13-6
Child spacing.............................................................................. analogy 13-6
Breast is best: a picture story (Liberia)....................................... analogy 13-8
Madam Pokta finds a solution to malaria (Nigeria)......................pretend 13-9
The spread of diarrhea...........................................................flash cards 13-10
The spread of scabies (India)................................................. comic strip 13-11
A detective story: Who stole the gualamo jam?................. open-ended 17-5
A child with severe pneumonia (Colombia)...................................... true 21-10
An emergency childbirth.............................................................pretend 21-10
A health worker uses his book to solve a problem that
the doctor could not (Mexico).................................................. true 21-18
The bird that steals a baby’s spirit—tetanus prevention builds on tradition 22-6
Abdul and Seri: a story about oral rehydration (Indonesia)..........pretend 24-24
A nutrition plan for Tonaville (Africa)............................................pretend 25-23
Attacking the right problems: 5 examples from Africa................pretend 25-28
Story of Luis—exploring the chain of causes........................ partly true 26-3
Combating exploitation at the village level (India)........................picture 26-36
How a teaching story helped health workers from another area..... true 26-38
The stories listed here can be spoken or read, or told through pictures. But stories
can also be ‘acted out’ in the form of role plays, theater, and puppet shows. These
dramatic forms of story telling are discussed in Chapters 14 and 27,