Teachers as advisers of health workers, 10-7
(Also see Instructors)
Teaching, Chapter 1
about attending the sick. Chapter 8
adapting to traditional ways of learning, 1-5
building on local tradition. Chapter 7, 11-4, 13-1
to 13-9
by comparison with familiar things, 7-11, 11-8.
13-1 to 13-6, 13-8, 24-19
comparing methods. 1-1 to 1-3, 1-17 to 1-28.
2-16m, 5-11
conventional, progressive, and liberating: chart,
‘each one teach one’, 11-32
methods and ideas for nutrition education, 25-30
to 25-31, 25-35 to 25-44
practice teaching, 5-18
step-by-step skills, 17-12
self-teaching, 9-9 to 9-10
(Also see Planning a class. Role playing, Story
Teaching aids, guidelines. Chapter 11
for learning about:
antibiotics, 19-1 to 19-11
blood pressure, 19-13 to 19-18
causes of disease, 26-6
chest and lung wounds, 11-13
childbirth: ‘birth box’ and ‘birth pants’, 11-3
and 22-8; ‘flexibaby’, 22-9; turning a baby
in the womb, 22-10
closing a wound, 11-10
critical awareness, 26-17 to 26-27
dehydration, 11-9, 11-12, 24-18 to 24-22
eye problems, 21-8 fever, 14-4 to 14-5, 25-38
food groups, 25-42
fractions and milligrams, 18-12 to 18-1 3
germs that are too small to see, 11-29
howgerms invade the body, 11-30
mouth-to-mouth breathing, 11-13
parts of the body, 2-16, 11-7
pregnancy, 21-14
pulse, 14-6
Road to Health: flannel-board chart, 11-4;
‘gourd baby’ and cardboard’mother’, 22-16
to 22-18
setting broken bones, 11-14
snakebite, 11-6
swollen lymph nodes, 21-6
testing urine for bilirubin, 5-16
thumping the lungs, 11-8
tooth decay, 1-19, 27-37 to 27-39
urinary problems, 21-17
(Also see Filmstrips and slides. Flannel-boards,
Flash cards. FloPwhoctohgarratps,hGs ames, Pictures,
Posters, Puppet shows, Puzzles, Role playing,
Silkscreen copier)
Teeth, care of
bicycle-powered dental drill, 16-1
puppet show, 27-37 to 27-39
two role plays, 1 -17 to 1 -20
Technology (See Appropriate technology)
Television, awareness raising example, 26-20
Tests and exams, 9-1 to 9-10
Tetanus, 7-10, 7-12, 22-6, 26-3 to 26-7
Theater, village, Chapter 27
about breast feeding, 27-31 to 27-34
about drunkenness, 27-19 to 27-26
about harmful practices in childbirth, 22-11
about maize bank, 27-27 to 27-30
about measles, 27-2 to 27-3
about treatment of colds, 27-3 to 27-4
about useless medicines, 27-14 to 27-18
how to stage entertaining shows, 27-5 to 27-13
Thermometer, pretend, 5-3 to 5-6, 14-4 to 14-5,
14-7 to 14-10
Thinness chart (weight-for-height chart), 25-10 to
Timers, homemade
for measuring pulse or breathing rate, 16-7 to
for sterilizing, 16-10
Tortillas (maize), 25-40 to 25-42
Traditional healers as health workers, 2-8, 17-3
Traditions, 7-1 to 7-10
about childbirth. 22-5, 22-6
in care of the sick, 7-5 to 7-10, 25-38
in family planning, 7-3, 23-5, 23-8
in measuring for malnutrition, 25-12
stories that build on tradition, 13-1 to 13-6, 22-6
ways of adapting leaching to, 1-5
Trainers of health workers (See Instructors)
Training manuals, 16-18 to 16-20
Training program (See Planning a training program)
Treatment (See Curative medicine)
Tubal ligations, 23-10
Typhoid fever, 14-9 to 14-10
Under-fives clinic, 22-12 to 22-19
and prenatal care, 22-2
homemade scales for, 16-1 to 16-2
measuring thickness of upper arm, 25-12 to
weight-for-age (Road to Health) charts, 11-4,
22-15 to 22-19, 25-9
weight-for-height (thinness) charts, 25-10 to
and dehydration, 7-9, 24-18 to 24-19
as a home remedy, 7-10
bilirubin test, 5-16
teaching aid about urinary problems, 21-17
Vaccinations, 7-12, 7-13, 21-13 to 21-15, 26-3
(Also see Injections)
Vaccines, how to keep cold, 16-3 to 16-5