23) Other women in the neighborhood hear
the loud crying and come over 10 see what the
trouble is. They ask if they can help.
24) Together, the
women discuss the
drinking problem
in (heir village.
Dolores cries.
“But what can a
womanalone do
in this world of men?” Another woman says,
“Right now, we’re not alone! There are lots
of us here together!” She tells the others she
has heard about the way women in Monterrey
organized to fight drunkenness.
25) The women decide they must take action
to stop the sale of illegal alcohol in their village.
And they like
the idea of an
overnight jail for
sobering up the
drunks! So they
write a petition
and get all the
women in town
to sign it. Some of
the men sign it, too.
26) Two days later.
27) The women’s group presents their
petition to the mayor. They say that it he
does not meet their demands, they will go to
the municipal authorities or even to the slate
capital to have him removed from office. The
mayor shakes his head, unable to believe
what he hoars. “This is the first time I have
ever been pushed around by a bunch of old
hens!” But the women realize that united they
have power. They know the mayor fears being
caught for accepting bribes from the people
who sell the illegal liquor-and they tell him so.