4) As DoRa Luisa gets
up and begins lo make
maize tortillas for
breakfast, the music
and advertisements
continue. But look!
Her husband. Don
Lino, is still in bed! He
feels too weak to get up.
5) Finally Dona Luisa coaxes him out of bed
and gives him a cup of coffee. He asks what
there is for breakfast. She answers, “Just
tortillas. You know that’s all we have.”
6) Just then, they hear
a knock on the door.
(Bang, bang, bang.) It
is their neighbor, who
makes his living by
selling medicines that
he buys in the city.
7) Today he is selling VITA-MEYERHOV. 010
Luisa is excited because she just heard about
VITA-MEYE RHOV on the radio. She is sure
that it will make her husband wake up strong
and eager to work, like before. The salesman
tells them the bottle is worth 300 pesos. But
since they are such good friends, he will let
them have it for only 150 pesos.
8) But the old couple
only has 50 pesos.
So they have to sell
their 2 chickens, at
50 pesos each, in
order to pay tor the