Role-playing exercises can give students a good chance to develop skill in using
Where There Is No Doctor-especially the CONTENTS, the INDEX, and the page
For example, one person can pretend he is sick with a very bad cough, in this
case pneumonia. (But do not tell the students what the illness is. Let them find
out through their own investigation and use of their books.) The person says his
sickness began a few days ago like a cold or the flu—with a headache and sore
throat. But now he feels much worse.
The students must ask questions to get more information. The ‘sick person’ can
complain of chills or chest pain. To make it more realistic, he breathes with rapid,
shallow breaths (as described in this book on page 14-11). A pretend thermometer
can be used to show that he has a fever (see page 14-4).
Encourage the students to look in any part of the book where they think they
might find useful information—and to share what they find with each other.
Especially help those who have trouble reading or looking things up.