14) Between Them, Doña Luisa and the health
worker lift Lino back onto the bed. The health
worker figures out that his weakness comes
from not eating well. The family has barely
enough maize to make tortillas, and none to
trade for beans. They sold their last 2 chickens
to buy the VITA-MEYERHOV vitamins.
15) The health worker
explains that the eggs
from those chickens
would have helped
Lino much more than
the vitamin pills. But
Dona Luisa is not
convinced. She thinks that her husband should
be given ‘artificial life’ (I.V. solution). The health
worker tells her that this is just sugar water; it
would be safer and cheaper for Lino simply to
mix sugar and water, and drink it. But what the
old man really needs is more and better food.
Maybe their neighbors can get together and help
them out with the food problem. He will speak
to them.
16) After the village health worker leaves, the old
man and his wife talk things over. They are not
sure they trust the young health worker. “What
does he know? He is just a villager like us! We
saw him when he was born. An ugly baby at
that!” They decide to get Miss Ivy, the nurse, to
give Lino an I.V.
17) So that afternoon.
Miss Ivy comes to the
house. (To make the
play moreentertaining,
the role of Miss ivy is
played by the same
young man who plays
the health worker.
He has to change
costumes quickly!)
18) Nurse Ivy gives Lino an intravenous
solution. He says he feels a little stronger