This book is dedicated to the village health team of Ajoya, Mexico,
from whom we have learned a great deal...
and to health workers everywhere who side with the poor.
This book is only a beginning. We want to improve
it—with your help.
If you have any ideas, teaching methods, visual
aids, or ways of exploring or learning that you feel
might be put into this book, please send them
to us. We are especially interested to hear how
you are using newer technologies that were not
available when the book was first written such as
computers and mobile phones.
Also let us know which parts of the book you find
most useful, and which parts, pages, or paragraphs
you find confusing, badly written, least useful,
incorrect, or unfair.
With each new printing, we try to incorporate
your suggestions, update the contact information
for other organizations and materials, and make sure
the book continues to be an accurate companion to
Where There Is No Doctor.
Please write to:
Hesperian Health Guides
1919 Addison Street, Suite 304
Berkeley, California 94704 U.S.A.
Thank you,
Editors of the 2012 printing